Sunday, February 13, 2011

* 14.270 has become a magnet of sorts for an on air saga, a very sad saga at that. It's the hang out for KZ8O, Mike an operator who seems to feel that he is the sole owner of this frequency…. as I listened I began to hear things that were disturbing.

Foul language, comments about operators sexual preferences and lewd remarks about wanting to have sexual relations with operators daughters and wives have been heard coming from this operator…. Even during Field Day the lewdness continued with KZ8O calling for FD contacts and then offering a report of 44DD an obvious reference to the bust size of a woman. [ß Actually, the size of HIS breasts!]

I was reluctant to post about this… but, fact is fact, he swears and makes nasty remarks about women on the band and pushes anyone off who is on 14.270. [ß Actually 14.270-.275 and sometimes more] Last I checked the amateur frequencies are not for sale nor are they the possession of any one included would be KZ8O hence the pic of the dunce cap. Because, lets face it only a dunce would do this stuff.

Cliff VA2UTC a blind radio-amateur “sees” the situation w/ Brian’s ‘brown-shirt’ remarkably well, in his 30 Jun ‘10

* I'm looking for BIG MEN in the Forth Worth FL area.... Do you have something worth CROWING about??? If so, drop me a line.....

I like to JAM because I like to be JAMMED in the rear......... I love a BIG MAN......

Read more:

* ** CANADA. VE7KFM ---

A short video showing Karol Madera's Canadian radio shack and including some of his more 'memorable' statements regarding threats to the US Ambassador to Canada and statements regarding sniper rifles and roadside bombs (Brian Crow, K3VR, Aug 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [ß Merely “statements regarding threats” now? Not long ago—and for years—you wrote that they supposedly were ‘direct physical threats’! What gives, HAMereekan Psycho?]

YouTube: “This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.” ‘Psycho Brian’ K3VR a.k.a. “nemodorry” ‘circle jerk’ finally misfired, again 12 Aug ‘10

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