Saturday, January 15, 2011

* Karol Madera.

First allow me to apologize for my actions.

I had a "Private" conversation with a fellow ham on the east coast. [ß Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob]
It was compromised, and manipulated to come out with what is on the net. [ß By Psycho Brian CROW K3VR]

It was TWO separate subject matters, and even I had a difficult time discerning the splicing.. [ß N.B.]

The digital program used, doesn't re-use the words, it actually composes words in the person’s
own "voice". The conversation occurred in Feb of 2009.

The other recording was made on the west coast to a ham in Bellingham.
It had NOTHING to do with you, it had to do with a fellow in Duncan.
I had told you before that a ham in Bellingham was involved in trashing you….

I think that this thing is now slowly winding down and that it will end up on the whole vindicating your personage….

As for Mad Mikey [ß KZ8O/nd8v], I understand his day is coming...very soon!
He is a very hated person on the east coast.

73 Henk VE9HV

Henk VE9HV/va7hv Apology—highlighting Tom ‘M-F’ N1FM/n1sob’s & Psycho K3VR’s continuing FRAUDulent conspiracy/MO on the WWW—e-mail 13 Nov ‘10

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