Wednesday, August 11, 2010

VE7KFM joined the K1MAN show on late in 2005. He first attracted my attention when he physically threatened the US Ambassador to Canada. [ß Sure he did…. But only if your re-define “physically” and “threatened” IAW your psycho mind.] I've been the object of his devoted affection ever since. [ß Projecting again/still, Brian?] By the way, Radio Canada International's lawyers have been in touch with Industry Canada about Madera's using their trademarked ID. [ß Sure they were, Brian. That’s why I’m still waiting for their 1st ‘Cease & Desist’ letter, never mind their last.] I think the FCC has all but given up on working with the Victoria Office of Industry Canada because Jim Laursen forgot his brain when he left for work one day, and now he can't remember where it is. [ß Brian’s actually projecting again/referring to ‘Rot’ Riley, who “temporarily” lost his mind, because of low blood supply, after being ‘sucked off’ by Brian for years.]

Brian ‘Riley’s Cock-Sucker’ CROW K3VR in “VE7KFM on 14.275” on 4 Dec ‘06

I will gladly go on record here and now and admit that I have often deliberately talked over VE7KFM and I will continue to do so. [ß Underlining in the original.]

Brian ‘Criminal CROW’ K3VR to Jon K1TP on his ATWT website ~30 Dec ‘06

Please visit this website for unaltered and unedited spewing of one of the most hate-filled men of our time:

press— in “Canadian breaking hate speech laws!” 30 Dec ’06 [N.B. verbatim in next]

Here is the PERFECT example of liberal hypocrisy.
Karol Mandera [sic] is a shortwave "ham broadcaster" from Vancouver, BC. He IS a Bush-hating socialist in EVERY aspect of the word!…
Please visit this website for unaltered and unedited spewing of one of the most hate-filled men of our time:
And as a U.S. citizen whose grandparents emigrated from Canada, I am ashamed that this man calls himself "Radio Canada". [ß As a Canadian, I am ashamed to share the North American continent with US mental defectives.]
His rantings are heard worldwide on shortwave "ham" radio on 14.275 MHz upper sideband.
Thank you.
Brian ‘The Wanker CROW’ K3VR playing with his ‘Willie’ in “Liberal Hypocrisy!” on 31 Dec ‘06

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