Monday, January 31, 2011

* Karol,
I wrote this to K1TP. He did not publish it of course.
David J. Tolassi

Subject: Brandon Duke
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 08:44:13 -0400

Concerning the very sad state of affairs of Brandon Duke.
Here is an obviously very troubled young man who faces a long jail sentence .
But how many of us remember the times Brandon was tormented on the air and over the internet for so many years simply because he spoke with the Canadian?
Let us not forget that Brandon was a MINOR who was stalked by an adult.
This adult used his education in psychiatry to frustrate and "push the buttons" of this child for many years, hoping for such an end.
He showed no compassion or understanding of the emotional conflict this child was going through, with such callousness as to mirror the mental state of a serial killer.
Serial killers have no concern or feelings for their victims but continue their rampage of destruction.
Brandon was stalked by an adult, for years by this ham and we should not forget that it takes a sinister personality to do what the PA ham did.
That ham as you know is K3VR.
He has demonstrated over the years that he takes sadistic pleasure in causing anguish to anyone he does not like.
This is an educated man who used the knowledge for evil means without ANY feelings for the victims.
In this case the victim is now a 22 year old man who will spend many years behind bars and probably his life is ruined.
I submit to you and your intelligent readers that K3VR contributed to the loss of human life (spiritually) of Brandon.
K3VR stalked a child both on the air and on the internet, this fact can not be denied, and his actions went way beyond silly "radio wars".
I believe this shows the true nature of the monster who calls himself K3VR, and I believe he is a monster.
Due to many factors a police officer and/or Brandon could have been KILLED and K3VR contributed to the mental distortion that is Brandon Duke.
I know of NO TIME that I have been a ham that this has occurred--to a child no less.
I submit that Crow should be shunned by the ham community, as he has shown his "true colors": he is an evil person, who used his age, talents and education to help cause the destruction of another human being and a fellow ham, and almost the death of 2 people.

David J. Tolassi

Slightly spelling/diction-corrected self-explanatory e-mail from David WA1BHV to Jon K1TP [N.B. Jon’s “reply” to David, next!] 27 Sep ‘10

Saturday, January 29, 2011

* To:;
Subject: Fwd: brandon
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 07:51:34 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: ke9ry
To: k1tp
Sent: Sat, Oct 2, 2010 6:30 am
Subject: brandon

Dear [],

Concerning the very sad state of affairs of Brandon Duke. Here is a very troubled young man who faces a long jail sentence. How many of us remember the times Brandon was encouraged to "Just Shoot Them" by Canadian, Karol Madera?

The Canadian (as Laura Smith calls him) used his education to "push Brandon's buttons" for many years, hoping for such an end. He showed no compassion or understanding of the emotional conflict this child was going through.

Madera manipulated Brandon with the callousness and cunning of a true sociopath and we should not forget that it takes a sinister personality to do what the Canadian did. Madera has demonstrated over the years that he takes sadistic pleasure in causing anguish to anyone he does not like. This is a supposedly educated man who has often used his knowledge for evil means, without ANY apparent feelings for the victims.

In this case, the victim is a 22 year old man who may spend many years behind bars. His life is probably ruined. I submit to you and your intelligent readers that VE7KFM contributed to Brandon's downfall. He manipulated this youngster, both on the air, and on the internet. This fact can not be denied, and his actions went way beyond silly "radio wars." Ultimately Brandon is responsible for his own actions, but this fatherless boy responded to Madera's manipulations with predictable and disturbing consequences.

I believe this shows the true nature of Karol Madera, VE7KFM. Due to many factors, a police officer and/or Brandon could have been KILLED and I believe VE7KFM contributed greatly to Brandon Duke's mental health problems. VE7KFM has done this many times.
Mark Morgan was put in a psychiatric hospital due to the mental torment Madera induced; David Tolassi could have been arrested for stalking and threatening amateurs VE7KFM targeted; Todd Daugherty was arrested and convicted for harassment by electronic means; Whitney Tritch was investigated for illegal computer intrusions. The list goes on.

The foregoing is my considered opinion on the subject, and I stand by it. I submit that Madera should be completely shunned as he has shown his "true colors" time and time again.


Tom Steckbauer, KE9RY

Another vile 180-degree-reversed ‘spoof’ by Brian ‘Psycho Mimic’ CROW K3VR ‘as if’ by Tom KE9RY one of Brian’s Neo-NAZI toadies via Jon K1TP 2 Oct ‘10

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

* Wouldn't it be nice if I didn't receive ridicules [sic] emails from a Canadian halfwit on a regular basis?"

Hi Jon,

Maybe you will stop getting letters from Karol when you wise up and stop being "snuckered" into printing defamatory shit from that fucking asshole psychopath K3VR!!!

David TOLASSI WA1BHV to Jon CUNNINGHAM K1TP about Brian CROW K3VR the “fucking asshole psychopath” e-mail 22 Oct ‘1

Sunday, January 23, 2011

* I think MF should get back on the raging ‘roids.

The last time I saw him, he looked very flabby, and he's just not very entertaining, when sober.

I'd rather hit myself in the forehead with a hammer than listen to him constantly ask his contacts for their names...over and over again.
Do they not have pens or pencils in Flori-DUH?

If he'd ‘roid it up a bit, we could at least hear something interesting, like how he was going to sue George's homeowner's insurance. That was just bizarre, and funny.

How many times can he tell people he has a 7800, or that he has to go yell at the kids to make them mow the lawn?

In the Lisa Macci interview, he told her that before he was a cop, he was a butcher.

That's where he met Nina. He was working at a butcher's shop and she walked in looking for meat. HI HI
I think it was sausage, perhaps Polish sausage. She settled for him instead.

Now he just butchers part time...the English language.

So next time you hear MF’er on the air, please ask him to at least do some type of drug.

He's boring me to tears.

A very funny “request” from a regular “RADIO CANADA” listener about Tom ‘Mother-Fucker’ WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob, Brian’s Rent-a-COP/BULLY e-mail 13 Oct ‘10

Friday, January 21, 2011

* Why is Brian Crow a cyberstalker?? Perhaps he came from a broken home..maybe we should ask his daddy - NT - Anonymous 11/1/2010 8:14PM
maybe that's why brian became a psychologist [ß Actually, Brian’s playing a “psychotherapist” on the Internet.] he couldn't fix his broken home so he trying to fix others [ß Read: trying to ‘screw’ others!] - NT - Anonymous 11/1/2010 8:16PM
maybe he was molested by his daddy, when he was young, that's why he started the digital forensics group [ß ‘Digital’, get it?]. - NT - Anonymous 11/1/2010 8:19PM
when someone is damaged both physically and mentally they do stuff like that - NT - Anonymous 11/1/2010 8:21PM

A very cogent series of comments about CROW’s Shitty Nest on NIMbusters on All [Lost] Souls’ Day ‘10

* let's ask Brian's dad how abusive he was towards Brian...Your dad's name is Thomas J Crow right? - NT - Anonymous 11/1/2010 8:24PM

A follow up comment to Brian CROW K3VR to which he pointedly has NOT replied on NIMbusters 1 Nov ‘10

* From:
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 07:10:56 -0400

"Please use any/all of this with a nod to yours truly" [ß Penultimate request in “Email From Brian C” to Jon K1TP]

Hi Jon,

Yes, make sure fucking psycho gets credit for keeping the insanity going.


David J. Tolassi

David WA1BHV to Jon K1TP after Jon published the latest “Email From Brian C” rekindling Psycho’s years-long OBSESSION w/ Glenn K1MAN 3 Nov ‘10

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

* From:
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 10:06:28 -0400


I have NO PROBLEM with you reporting K1MAN's predicament.
What I take exception to is you posting from a "Brian C", and the lack of ID of this person which is a pattern of behavior with him.

I find it amazing that "Brian C" seems to have a OBSESSION with certain hams that is, to say the least, representative of a text book psychopath.

By publishing his comments you feed the distorted ego of this nut, which ranks in the realm of a Dennis Rader and the likes.
Someone who cares nothing of the harm he causes others and feels vindicated in his warped mind when you "bend over" for him.

Someday "Brian C." is going to push the wrong buttons of someone as demented as he. [ß And that day can’t come soon enough!]

David J. Tolassi

David WA1BHV to Jon K1TP after Jon took a self-righteous but patently misleading DUMBFUCK side-step, further to David’s earlier quip 3 Nov ‘10

* Mark you do not matter, I am the guy throwing shit in the fan, and you are just the guy standing in front of the fan
if not you someone else would be standing in front of the fan, you do not matter either way
stil fixated on shit [ß This accurate quip by Mark KB9RQZ]
still covered in shit i see

Psycho Brian CROW the most prolific/abusive Coprophiliac on NIMbusters—a forum verging on the insane [Bravo!]—admits to being a ‘shit throwing bastard’ 3 Nov ‘10

Monday, January 17, 2011

* Your Desire to Suck K1MAN's Dick is Strong Tonight - SH 11/4/2010 10:06PM

“SH” succinctly describing Brian ‘Dick-Sucker’ CROW K3VR’s latest rekindled/continuing OBSESSION w/ Glenn K1MAN on NIMbusters 4 Nov ‘10

* Brian, mom said that she's going to beat your ass like dad used to beat hers if you don't stop harassing other people. - NT - Rebecca McKeever 11/7/2010 11:26AM

Rebecca McKeever [née CROW] to her Psycho Bro., the demonstrated/demented ‘Harasser’ K3VR on NIMbusters 7 Nov ‘10

* but brian, why didn’t you help your brother when he declared bankruptcy in 2008? - NT - todd d. 11/7/2010 7:11PM

but brian, why did you let them foreclose on your step-mom’s house in spring hill florida? - NT - todd d. 11/7/2010 7:10PM

but brian, why did the IRS file suit in 1980 against your father, thomas j crow? - NT - todd d. 11/7/2010 7:08PM

3 Questions to each of which Brian replied w/ this curious non sequitur: “*yawn* brian doesn't post here dickhead, check his address on qrz” on NIMbusters 7 Nov ‘10

* Mom...brian's posting like a crazed madman..time to get all daddy on his ass. - NT - Rebecca McKeever 11/8/2010 9:17PM

Rebecca McKeever [née CROW] to her mother about Brian, her “crazed madman” brother K3VR on NIMbusters 8 Nov ‘10

* Damn it brian, knock it off or I'll call that bucktooth wife of yours and give her the lowdown. - NT - Diana L. Crow 11/8/2010 9:19PM

Diana L. CROW = Brian’s mother [who spared the rod and spoiled the child] posting on NIMbusters 8 Nov ‘10

* Brian neither reads nor posts here, he just carefully ID's and tracks you guys and then, when enough evidence exists ... gets you taken down for cause! [ß Duhhh? If Brian does not even read the posts, how can he ID/track—never mind “carefully”—what is posted? Ohh, never mind… I just ‘fingered’ it out: Brian’s a Psychic HAMereekan Psycho!]

“Brian” ‘Psychic Psycho’ CROW K3VR posting his ~usual non sequiturs/absurdities to his Crow Cadre, a.k.a. ~himself, on NIMbusters 8 Nov ‘10

Saturday, January 15, 2011

* Karol Madera.

First allow me to apologize for my actions.

I had a "Private" conversation with a fellow ham on the east coast. [ß Tom WHATLEY N1FM/n1sob]
It was compromised, and manipulated to come out with what is on the net. [ß By Psycho Brian CROW K3VR]

It was TWO separate subject matters, and even I had a difficult time discerning the splicing.. [ß N.B.]

The digital program used, doesn't re-use the words, it actually composes words in the person’s
own "voice". The conversation occurred in Feb of 2009.

The other recording was made on the west coast to a ham in Bellingham.
It had NOTHING to do with you, it had to do with a fellow in Duncan.
I had told you before that a ham in Bellingham was involved in trashing you….

I think that this thing is now slowly winding down and that it will end up on the whole vindicating your personage….

As for Mad Mikey [ß KZ8O/nd8v], I understand his day is coming...very soon!
He is a very hated person on the east coast.

73 Henk VE9HV

Henk VE9HV/va7hv Apology—highlighting Tom ‘M-F’ N1FM/n1sob’s & Psycho K3VR’s continuing FRAUDulent conspiracy/MO on the WWW—e-mail 13 Nov ‘10

Thursday, January 13, 2011

* The difference between Junior and Mother Fucker Whatley

Junior won an election and is now quite the power player in his little town..
N1FM spent $35,000 including money from gay rights groups and didnt even come close.
Yeah hes all for the kids with that sailors mouth.

ha ha ha on NIMbusters 15 Nov ‘10

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

* K3VR BRIAN CROW, 4781 North Congress Avenue, Suite 262, Boynton Beach, FL, 33426

N3XBU SUSANNAH CROW, 4781 North Congress Avenue, Suite 262, Boynton Beach, FL, 33426


N9OGL.COM - previously registered by DFG 4781 N Congress #262 Boynton Bch, Florida 33426 but now marked as available. belongs to Brian Crow, as his own post below proves (from

RE: Rampant Rules Violations on 14.275
by K3VR on November 20, 2006

KFM has a report? That's hilarious! Call Riley Hollingsworth and he'll tell you point blank that KFM is the problem on 14.275! And if you haven't seen this page about KFM, you should look at it before counting KFM as one of your friends, or as a source of legitimate information. KFM is MAN's co-host as well as a fraud and a liar.

73, [ß URL changed slightly to highlight the obvious/protect the innocent/expose the FRAUDulent Guilty party.]

The post immediately above, in which K3VR uses as his signature, is archived by at

Guess Todd Daugherty, N9OGL, was right all along. Crow will, of course, try to remove that post, but we have many additional archived proofs held in reserve.

Mr. Schwartz unequivocally ID’ing who owns/controls the website ‘as if mine’ on NIMbusters 15 Nov ‘1

Sunday, January 9, 2011

* Todd,

Let's say for a minute we believe you. We don't, but let's say we do, and in this little fantasy, Brian's now the owner of ...

And for laughs, let's also say we believe that Brian's some kind of bad-ass hacker who got you thrown off ISP's, put in jail, on probation, hosted a site using your call sign, got your blogs taken down, got you warned 2x by the FCC, had you visited by the [FBI], and let's say we also believe he ruined your life by making you a retarded cart pusher who loves kiddy pr0n.

Ok, are you listening? We all believe you.


WTF are you gonna do about it, you 4 eyed pedophile motherfucker?

You live with your parents, you got a gut the size of Manhattan, and you chow down on Mickey D's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Do you even own a car, you pathetic pile of blubbering bullshit?

Get a life son.

You ain't gonna do NOTHIN' but shit and fall back in it. [ß Check above on this page for this almost verbatim formulary by the Coprophiliac.]

Now fuck off and cry to your mama, cuz we don't give a fuck, you slack jawed, stick armed, faggot! a.k.a. Brian CROW K3VR—demonstrating that he’s a Sociopath—NOT a psychiatrist, psychologist or even psychotherapist—on NIMbusters 15 Nov ‘10

Friday, January 7, 2011

* Author: Brian
Subject: Well this shit hole hasn’t changed a bit over the past several years so it’s time to move on.

Mark you have been marginalized in that the only sandbox you play in is here and on your blogs [ß Reader: Change Mark to Brian, who is “projecting” again.] that nobody reads! That fully suits my purposes and besides there are enough others here posting as someone else [ß 9/10 = Brian in his various ANONymous/PSEUDOnymous/FRAUDulent disguises.] that you will remain engaged for years to come.

I am off to help fry some serious offenders and you won’t see much of me here anymore. [ß Brian the FRAUDulent informant will “fry” in Hell, but dimes-to-doughnuts, his OCD won’t allow him to stay away from “this shit hole”.] Stay out of the big leagues Mark and you will be fine. Start jumping through hoops for Karol and there will be trouble. [ß Brian has repeatedly called Mark a “retard”. Consequently, Mark should have trouble jumping through his own/HAMereekan “hoops”, never mind Karol’s!] Just some friendly advice, not a warning…. [ß Of course not…. Especially after Brian re-defines “threat”, “trouble”, “warning”, etc. IAW his Psychotic Dick-tionary, HI.]

Psycho Brian CROW suddenly supposedly ‘moving on’, after only “several years” of wallowing in the “shit hole” on NIMbusters 17 Nov ‘10
* Author: Brian
Subject: Well this shit hole hasn’t changed a bit over the past several years so it’s time to move on.

Mark you have been marginalized in that the only sandbox you play in is here and on your blogs [ß Reader: Change Mark to Brian, who is “projecting” again.] that nobody reads! That fully suits my purposes and besides there are enough others here posting as someone else [ß 9/10 = Brian in his various ANONymous/PSEUDOnymous/FRAUDulent disguises.] that you will remain engaged for years to come.

I am off to help fry some serious offenders and you won’t see much of me here anymore. [ß Brian the FRAUDulent informant will “fry” in Hell, but dimes-to-doughnuts, his OCD won’t allow him to stay away from “this shit hole”.] Stay out of the big leagues Mark and you will be fine. Start jumping through hoops for Karol and there will be trouble. [ß Brian has repeatedly called Mark a “retard”. Consequently, Mark should have trouble jumping through his own/HAMereekan “hoops”, never mind Karol’s!] Just some friendly advice, not a warning…. [ß Of course not…. Especially after Brian re-defines “threat”, “trouble”, “warning”, etc. IAW his Psychotic Dick-tionary, HI.]

Psycho Brian CROW suddenly supposedly ‘moving on’, after only “several years” of wallowing in the “shit hole” on NIMbusters 17 Nov ‘10

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

* Kind of ironic that Crow has the listing changed, only to trip himself up in the process.
Crow never lived in Irwin, eh? [ß]
Time for Crow to eat crow.

Psycho Brian forgot this related search result, giving the same “CROW’s Nest” info.: 19 Nov ‘10

* Sorry. Too late. Lots of us saw that listing before it was deleted. Consider yourself a proven liar. [ß Tell us something about Psycho Brian we don’t already know!] 19 Nov ‘10

Monday, January 3, 2011

Subject: Ping: ALL Re: Todd Threaten the Chief of Police

The real question one needs to ask is why was Brian Crow, The former chief of police and Riley Hollingworth of the FCC communicating back and forth back in 2008 about Todd E Daugherty. That of course was also the same year Todd got one of his two warning letters from the FCC. Local police and the State of Illinois has no jurisdiction over INTERSTATE COMMUNICATIONS only the FCC does. BTW the ONLY one who claims Daugherty threatened the new police chief DAVE HERPSTREITH is a rat bastard liar named BRIAN CROW K3VR. Daugherty only threatened the former police chief because like the ASSHOLE State's Attorney FINK he seems to be listening to Brian Crow. That's why the police chief at the time refused to talk to Todd because he had already made his mind up about Todd based on what Brian Crow said, thus depriving Todd his first amendment right (the right to file grievances) and his right to due process. This can BTW be all proven through a Freedom of Information Act request from the FCC. TOO bad the State of Illinois is to stupid to see what's going on...unlike the FBI who's [now, after reading this website] ignores Brian Crow bullshit lies.

Hey Brian remember this:

Dear Mr. Daugherty,

Consolidated Communications takes strong exception to the libelous statements on this blog in re the intelligence quotient of our employees and representatives. If the statements are not removed by Jan 1, 2010, our Legal Department will file a law suit against Mr. Todd Daugherty, as well as his legal guardians in Taylorville, IL.

If it were left up to me, I would do the same thing to Mr. Daugherty that he has threatened to do to Federal officers; namely, cut his balls off and let him bleed to death.

Since I'm law abiding, a law suit will have to suffice.

Very truly yours,

Laura ZuHone
Corporate Communications
121 S. 17th Street
Mattoon, IL 61938

Too bad the state of Illinois doesn't or is to stupid to figure it out that YOU Brian Crow, who was the one that provoked Daugherty to threaten Consolidated Communication. ONLY YOU had the grudge over Daugherty threaten Riley by wanting to cut his nuts off, and only YOU who would add that to a comment on his Blog. It was YOU BRIAN CROW, that is still PISSED off because the FBI investigated it and claim it is all done and over with...YOU Brian can't get over that fact, that Daugherty got away with it. It is YOU Brian Crow that can't let stuff go, instead you lie and provoke Daugherty and then complain when YOU do it. It was YOU Brian Crow that claimed to the FAA that Daugherty only wanted a pilots license so he can fly his plane into the FCC building, and YOU know Daugherty didn't say that. Finally it was YOU Brian Crow who admitted on this website that this court case was just the beginning to what you have plan for Daugherty, proving that you want to make Todd's life hell. After all that why Daugherty put that $5,000 bounty on your head, because you stalk, harass and try to make his life hell for your own enjoyment. You get on here and on [] with the enjoyment that your going to get someone sent to jail and get your pleasure that the person (Daugherty) might get anal rape. To think, the state of Illinois thinks Daugherty has a mental problem...when they should be looking at the person sending them all this information. Too bad their too dumb to see what's really going on

"Daugherty doesn't deserve to be on the internet, and he defiantly doesn't deserve to have a ham license."

Is that why BRIAN CROW your waiting for the trial to end so you can go to the FCC and have Laura Smith remove Daugherty Ham license? And wasn't it YOU Brian Crow that hoped that Daugherty couldn't get on the web, and when you found out he was on, that you called for everyone to complaint to FINK because he was in violating of his bond agreement. After all that what it really about isn't Daugherty "CONTEMPT FOR THE FCC" that YOU don't like. The Idea that he questions and BAD MOUTHS the FCC. Your using the STATE of ILLINOIS to shut him up.

To bad the STATE OF ILLINOIS and the TAYLORVILLE POLICE are too STUPID to see what YOU are doing.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


K3VR: Roger, Roger on the Great State of Texas.
Yeah, my dad retired in Texas and lived there until his death 2 years ago at the age of 98 so, ahh, I know, ahh, right where you are….

Brian CROW K3VR in QSO w/ Robert N5TXK about his ‘dead dad’, as monitored on 14.272 MHz on 28 Oct ‘10
* W4ASX: Brian, ahh, do you want to take it?

K3VR: Ohh, sorry, sorry Bob, I’m talking to my dad on the phone. Go ahead.


‘Miami Boob’ SHERIN W4ASX in a rare, but increasingly delusional round-table w/ Psycho Brian CROW ‘talking to his dad’ on 14.272 MHz on 27 Nov ‘10


K3VR: Roger, Roger on the Great State of Texas.
Yeah, my dad retired in Texas and lived there until his death 2 years ago at the age of 98 so, ahh, I know, ahh, right where you are….

Brian CROW K3VR in QSO w/ Robert N5TXK about his ‘dead dad’, as monitored on 14.272 MHz on 28 Oct ‘10